How to make a miltilingual website

In the “App” section there is a module “Translations” that will help you add a language switcher to the top menu. To do this, activate the “Show language selection in the title” switch. To add a language version of the site, click on “Add Language” and select the needed language from the drop-down menu.

This module has Google translate support. You can configure it to automatically translate your website content. To do this, click on the tile of the already added language and make sure that the “Translate automatically” option is selected.

If machine translation from Google translator does not suit you and you want to write your own text, then you need to duplicate the current site. This is done automatically. Go to Settings> General Settings and find the Duplicate Site button at the very bottom. If the main language of your site is Russian, and you also need an English version, type en in the “New site folder” field. The same applies to other languages ​​(Spanish – es, French – fr, and so on)

After you click the “Create” button and the site duplication process is complete, click the big green “Go to a new page” button. Please note that you will need to log in again to the new language version of the site. After authorization, you can change the content of this version of the site, rewrite the text, edit banners, and so on.

Then you need to go to the “Translations” module again and make sure that the tiles with the site languages ​​are in the correct order.

  • The first language on this list should be the language you are currently on. The option “Translate automatically” must be selected in the settings of this language.
  • If we are on the main language version of the site (, the next on the list should be an additional language (for example, EN). The additional language must have the “External translation” option activated and a link with a prefix with this language (
  • If we are on an additional language version of the site (, the next on the list should be the main language (for example, RU). It must have the “External translation” option activated and a link without a language prefix, just the main site address (
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