Website Design, Graphics and Logo Maker

How to change website colors

Go to the Left Toolbar > DESIGN section. The Website Colors tab will be opened by default. You can choose from available color pallets or create your own, custom set of colors.

When you scroll down the Website Colors window, there are more specific settings, where you can specify to which elements which color should be applied.

How to add a website logo

Go to the Left Toolbar > SETTINGS > Logo and Website Title. Here you can set your website title (it’s required even if you want to show the logo only, it’ll be used in META tags, e-mails, and a few more locations)

There’s an option to show the website name and logo or to show the website logo only if your logo contains the website name already.

There’s also built-in Logo Maker support in case you want to create your logo now.

It’s possible to customize the way your logo shows in the website header. There’s a shortcut to the Menu Designer section below your logo thumbnail, but you can access it from the Left Toolbar > DESIGN > Menu Designer > Menu Title/Logo. In the menu designer, you can set your logo’s maximum height and spacing. You can also make your logo appear in its own line instead of in the same line as the website menu.

How to change a website template

You can easily customize the way your website looks, and set custom colors, fonts, or menu designs. Additionally, you can change your complete website template design. In the Left Toolbar > DESIGN section click the Website Designs button on the middle left side.

Here you can choose from available website themes. When you have found your new theme, click the Install button to continue. The “Install a new Theme” window will appear, where you can choose which parts of a new template you want to import. By default, you’ll import only the template’s design settings: colors, fonts or menu style, to prevent your website contents from being overwritten.

If there’s no content and your website is new, you can choose more options when importing.

How to hide Header and Footer

If you’re building a “Coming Soon” or Landing Page, you may want to hide the header and footer to limit visitors’ distractions. Go to the Left Toolbar > SETTINGS section, there should be a Page Settings button on the left side. When clicked, the settings window shows and the Landing Page switch will be available there.

Alternatively, when adding a new page, there’s “Show More Options” available, with Landing Page as one of the available options to choose from.

Change website fonts

You can easily change the main website fonts, go to Left Toolbar > DESIGN > Fonts section.

The Fonts window will appear where you can choose from available pairs of fonts. The first font is used for headers and the second font for website contents. If you can’t find a perfect match, you can set a custom pair of fonts.

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