FAQ about Linux VPS

How to get a trial of your VPS?

We do not provide a trial period for VPS service. But we will refund 100% of your payment if you refuse to use the VPS within the first 30 days.

Should I have a domain name to buy VPS?

It is not necessary to have a domain name to order a VPS service. You will get your own IP which you can use to access your site.

How often do you restart your VPS master servers?

Our goal is to provide the best VPS service and ensure its stable and trouble-proof operation.

We always notify our clients in advance about scheduled maintenance works that might affect VPS availability.

During maintenance on our Windows VPS service, we do not shut down or otherwise take offline your VPS. We just migrate it to another server. You do not notice this migration — your VPS loses a couple of network packets, which is normal for the Internet, and that’s it. We do not usually migrate Linux VPS services before maintenance works which might result in downtime. If it is very important for you to keep your VPS online during maintenance, create a ticket to our support team. We will ensure that your VPS won’t be affected by those works.

Do you help with website migration on VPS?

We will help you to transfer your site to the VPS if you have a control panel installed on it and Paid Managed Services We can also help you to install a control panel for your VPS. You can view our prices for the control panel licenses on this page Please note that we also provide the “Managed VPS” services with a pre-installed ISPmanager 6 control panel.

Do you have managed service for VPS?

We provide the Pre-set Linux VPS service, which includes the basic configuration of VPS and the web environment, installation of the control panel, and consultation on basic actions in the control panel. You can also order the add-on “Paid Managed Services”, in the framework of which we will help with administration with 5 websites and costs 15 € / 16 $ per month. The list of services that are included in the basic administration package is available here.

Do you have a control panel for Linux VPS?

We provide the “Pre-set Linux VPS” service with a pre-installed ISPmanager 6 control panel. We can also help you to install a control panel on your “Unmanaged VPS” if you buy a license from us.  It is also possible to install a control panel without a license for a 14-days trial. You can order the “Clean System” service, make a payment, and request in a ticket to install ISPmanager 6 Lite for a trial period. Please note that the installation requires a pure VPS without any data on it. Is your Linux VPS tuned for performance? We only install the minimal package of software on the VPS, so nothing slows down or boosts up your VPS performance. But our servers are brand new and powerful, so you will get a really fast VPS. The only exception is the relay for the mail service. On the relay, the mail is checking with antivirus, goes through SpamAssassin, and on the relay set a limit of 100 emails per hour from one IP address.

Can Linux VPS get resources over the limit?

No, the current KVM versions are able to limit the resources correctly.

How can I be sure that I get all of the plan resources?

You will get access to the VPS statistics where you will find current resource usage and limits.

Can I order a dedicated IP address for VPS?

Yes, you can do that at the client area (Services – Available Addons) for 2 € / 2.2 $ per month. If you need more than 4 IPs in total, each IP after the fourth one will cost 6 € / 7 $ per month.

What is the price for additional disk quota?

An additional disk quota costs 3 € / 3.3 $ per 10 GB montly. It can be ordered at the client area – “Services – Available Addons“.

How can I get more RAM/CPU for my VPS?

You can upgrade your VPS at the client area: “Services – Available Addons”. Information about the cost can be found here.

What bandwidth amount is provided for VPS?

Each VPS plan has its own bandwidth limit. You can find the amount of included bandwidth for the VPS plan in its description – Windows VPS and Linux VPS. You can see the amount of used bandwidth for Linux VPS at the SolusVM portal (the credentials can be found in the VPS welcome email). You can always buy more bandwidth if you need: each 320 GB costs 1 € / 1.2 $ per month (“Services – Available Addons”).  Fast Forex VPS doesn’t have a bandwidth limit.

What will happen if all bandwidth quota is used?

Your VPS will be automatically blocked if you use all the bandwidth. You will also get a notification when 85% of your plan’s bandwidth is used.

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