FAQ about Fozzy

FAQ about Fozzy

When and in which country is your company registered?

Fozzy Inc. is registered in the USA in 2012.

Where is your office located?

Our office is located at 1000 N West Street., Suite 1200 Wilmington, DE, USA 19801

Where can I check the company’s services license?

Fozzy Inc. company is registered in the USA, where a license for hosting services is not required.

What are your server configurations?

We are a trusted partner of Dell and our hosting uses the latest models of their hardware. Each service page has a “Specifications” section that details the configuration of each server.

Where can I see a customer service agreement?

You can find our client service agreement in the Legal documents section.

Do I need to sign in written form any agreement to use Fozzy Inc. services?

No, but you are asked to accept our Service agreement and Terms of service during checkout. These documents are always available on the Legal page of our website.

What’s the right way for a legal entity to sign up?

Choose one contact person from the legal entity and create an account for him. We advise you to make a new email which will be used by several people in your company. In this case, you will have no problems changing the contact person to another one

What websites are not allowed for hosting at Fozzy?

A list of prohibited types of information can be found on our website.

How can you evaluate latency to Fozzy Shared Hosting servers?

To get an idea of Fozzy Shared Hosting quality of service, you can easily ping our website fozzy.com, or sign up for a shared hosting service and get it for free for 7 days and apply any evaluation on the account.

Where are your servers located?

  • EU servers are physically located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Datacenter.com Datacenter), and Bettembourg, Luxembourg (Datacenter Luxembourg).
  • USA servers are located in Dallas, Texas (Colo4 Datacenter).
  • Singapore servers are located in Telin Datacenter.
  • English servers are located in London Equinix LD6.

Why do GEO IP services say that your servers are located in a different country than you promised?

Such GEO IP services use information based on which country the IP range was given to, not the actual location of the server. Our company is registered in the U.S. and received a block of addresses in the U.S., but these IP addresses can be used anywhere: in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and so on. Please use the traceroute program to check the current location of the server, not GEO IP services.

Are there any limits for traffic?

There is no bandwidth limit on our shared hosting services, except in Singapore. Limits for Singapore – 320 GB per month. Linux VPS service has traffic limits, which depend on the plan. Each additional 320 GB over the limit costs 1 € / 1.20 $ per 320 GB. You can order an extra bandwidth at the client area – “Services – Available Addons“.

Does Fozzy provide any backup solutions for hosting services?

Yes, on our hosting services backups are created and rotated daily, but each type of service has its own backup storage policy. The conditions of backup storage are described in detail in separate articles

How can I contact Fozzy tech support?

You can find the time schedules and contacts of our technical support by visiting our “Contact” page.

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