How to login to a hosting control panel

A hosting control panel is software that allows you to manage your server through a GUI (graphical user interface). A control panel allows you to work with files, mail, databases, domains, subdomains, SSL certificates, etc.

  • For web hosting plans with the operating system CloudLinux there are the following control panels available: cPanel, DirectAdmin, and ISPmanager.
  • Plesk control panel is available for ASP.NET hosting plan with Windows operating system.

When ordering a service, you can choose any of the available control panels at the selected plan.

How to enter the panel

  1. The welcome email with the subject “New hosting for has been created at Fozzy” will be sent to your email right after you order a shared hosting service. You can find all the credentials to log in to your control panel, e.g. URL, login & password in this email.
  2. You can also log in to your control panel through your client area at Just go to the “Services – My Services” section and click “Open %control panel%” in front of the service you need.

How to login to a hosting control panel

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