FAQ about Web Hosting

How can I get a trial period?

We provide a trial period for web hosting. You just need to order it, you don’t have to pay immediately. It will be activated for 7 days right after you make an order. We set the limits for the trial period in order to prevent its use for malicious purposes: bandwidth is limited to 10 GB per trial period and there are no additional domains and the number of emails per hour is limited to 10.  

What kind of operating system is used on the web hosting accounts?

Our web hosting service uses CloudLinux as a primary operating system. It is specially designed for hosting needs. It sets limits for your server neighbors and guarantees the stable operation of your account. Our ASP.NET Hosting service uses Windows Server.

Does Fozzy offer protection from DDoS attacks?

We do protect our customers from some kinds of light DDoS attacks. However, in case of a massive DDoS attack, we will be forced to suspend the website that is under attack and notify the customer. If your website is under attack, or you suppose that in advance your website can be a target of the DDoS attack, you need to connect a third-party protection service.

Does Fozzy use Spam filters?

Fozzy utilizes a Spam filter called SpamAssassin for web hosting services. This service is effective for filtering spam, which is based on key components like evaluation service of the spam, transport agent, and template database. Based on templates, SpamAssassin evaluates each email based on the “value” system and correlates it with initial spam templates. If the message successfully passes the spam filters, the “value” of it is automatically added to the template.

Does your hosting support my Content Management System (CMS)?

If your CMS uses PHP,  Python, Node.js, PERL, or CGI,  you can easily set it up on our “Fast Site” plan. You can also install more than 450 CMS with just one click through cPanel’s SoftAculous!  If your CMS uses ASP.NET technology, you can easily set it up on our ASP.NET hosting plan.

Can I host multiple websites on one account?

You can use the tariff constructor on the “Fast Site” service page, with its help you can easily specify the number of websites and databases. By clicking on “Advanced settings” you can also select the number of files, CPU cores, RAM, and other options. In case you’ve already ordered a web hosting service, you can buy an additional place for extra websites and databases through your client area. Just go to “Services – My services” and click the “Upgrade” link in front of a service you need. Each additional slot costs 0.2 € / 0.25 $ per month. You can host up to 15 websites on the “Fast Site” plan. You can order the “Reseller Hosting” service if you need more.

Is your hosting service provides any control panels?

Yes, for web hosting you can choose between cPanel, Direct Admin (for PHP projects), and Plesk (for ASP.NET projects).  All of them are made for clients’ easy intuitive management of web hosting accounts. For Linux VPS services we provide ISPManager and cPanel control panels.

How fast is the internet connection per server?

Each server is connected to the Internet with a 1Gbps channel.

Can I order a dedicated IP address?

Yes, you can do that at the client area (Services – Available Addons) for 2 € / 2.2 $ per month.  Only one IP address can be ordered for web hosting services. For reselling service you can order one dedicated IP for one subaccount. If you have a VPS service and you need more than 4 IPs in total, each IP after the fourth one will cost 6 € / 7 $ per IP.

What is the price for an additional disk quota?

An additional disk quota costs $1.56 USD per 1 GB monthly. It can be ordered at the client area – “Services – Available Addons“.

Is there a limit on the number of files?

Each web hosting service can have up to 500000 files. The extra limit for the number of files up to 3 million costs 1.25 € / 1.56 $ per month. Уou can order an extra limit at the client area (Services – Available Addons).

VPS service has no such limits.

What MySQL server should I write in configuration files?


Can you help me with moving from another hosting?

Sure we can. Contact us and send us access to your current hosting. Within 1 day we will transfer your account to our hosting.

How to connect to a remote database?

Port 3306 is closed on our hosting, but you can connect to your database via SSH tunnel.

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