How to upload files via FTP?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to establish a connection between your PC and a remote server (our hosting, for example) to transfer files. We recommend you to use the Filezilla FTP client as it is easy to use, free, and available for any operating system. But you can choose any other client convenient for you.

Although any modern FTP client supports the simultaneous transfer of a large number of files, we recommend you archive all the files before uploading. The fewer files are loading, the fewer read/write operations are being performed. Consequently, less time is required to upload the entire content.

How to upload files through FTP?

  1. Archive your site on your local PC;
  2. Choose your FTP client (we will use Filezilla) and launch it;
  3. You should  specify the following information in the FTP client:
    Host – your control panel address displaying in the address bar of the browser (e.g.;
    Username – your FTP account name (you can use your control panel login name);
    Password – your FTP account password (you can use your control panel password);
    Port – 21;
    all this information can be found in the welcome email which is sent to you after ordering a hosting service;
  4. After all the information is specified, click the “Quickconnect” button;
  5. The client will ask you to save our certificate. Accept it by clicking “OK” – our server is trusted;
  6. Use the navigation to find your archive file within the “Local site” area;
  7. Find the folder you want to upload your  file to in the “Remote site” area and click its name;
  8. Right-click your file and click “⇑Upload” in the appeared menu;
  9. Once you see “File transfer successful” in the log area, the operation is finished. Done.
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