LiteSpeed Memcached

On a shared hosting service with a cPanel control panel, it is possible to use Memcached from the developers of LiteSpeed – LSMCD (LiteSpeed Memcached).

What is LiteSpeed Memcached

LiteSpeed Memcached is a high-performance distributed caching system, designed to speed up dynamic web applications by reducing the load on the database.

The main differences between LiteSpeed Memcached and other Memcached software:

LSMCD – was developed on the basis of Memcached and has an important difference – it is a separate storage for each user. That is, third parties will not be able to get your cached data, as it would be in the case of Memcached.

You can learn more about LSMCD on the official site.

How to activate LiteSpeed Memcached

Please note that LSMCD only works with PHP 7.0 +.

  1. Go to your cPanel control panel.
  2. Click on Select PHP version section – Extensions and mark memcached item.
  3. Go to the LSMCD User Manager.
  4. Click on Change Password and create a password for your user. Memorize or write down the generated password.
  5. Click the Back button and copy the following from the Who You Are section:
    You are currently logged in as user: username
    username is the login for LiteSpeed Memcached
    LSMCD server is currently set to:
    where: is the IP address that will be used to connect to LiteSpeed Memcached
        11211 is the port we will use to connect to LiteSpeed Memcached
  6. Now you are ready to use LSMCD and you can enable the use of LSMCD in your script.
  7. If you have the appropriate plugins for the CMS you use, please use them, if not you can enable Memcached manually if your CMS supports it.

How to use LiteSpeed Memcached in WordPress.

All you need to do is install the Litespeed Cache Manager plugin.

To enable LSMCD:

  • go to the plugin section – Cache.
  • on the Object Cache line – click on On.
  • on the Method line – click on the Memcached button.
  • on the Host line – click localhost.
  • specify port 11211 in the Port line.
  • cPanel Username – specify the user you are using to login into cPanel.
  • in Password – write the password you specified in the section “How to activate LiteSpeed Memcached”.
  • save changes by clicking on the Save Changes button.
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