How to change MX-records of the domain registered with Fozzy

Some E-mail services such as G-suite require MX changes to be made in order for their software to work. This change allows mail destined for your domain to be directed to their server. Please note that changing MX records may prevent your current mail accounts, forwarders, autoresponders, and mailing lists from functioning.

If your domain is attached to a shared hosting service you have ordered, you can edit the MX records at the control panel.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open DirectAdmin” button;
  2. The DirectAdmin panel will be opened. Go to the “E-mail Manager” section and click the “MX records” button;
  3. Choose a domain you want to add an MX record for in the top menu bar;
  4. Hit the checkbox near the “Type” column to select all the existing records and click the “Delete” button to delete them;
  5. Click the “Add record” button and fill the following fields:
    • Name – your domain name with a period at the end;
    • TTL – time to live, during which this record will be cached by a local internet service provider;
    • Value – the priority level of this record. The lower the value, the higher the priority;
    • Host (next to Value) – the hostname of the remote mail server given to you by your email provider;
      • if you want to add multiple records, you have to click the “Add record” button for every new record;
  6. After all the fields are filled, click the “Add” button;
  7. Uncheck the “Use this server to handle my e-mails” option. Done.

You can also use the pre-ready MX settings by selecting them from the “MX Template” drop-down list instead of filling all the fields manually. If you select one of the remote mail servers from this list, the “Use this server to handle my e-mails” option will be unchecked automatically. If you select “Local Default”, you will restore the original MX settings, and your mail will be processed by this service in the future. You don’t have to perform any additional steps after you select the pre-ready template.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Hosting management” section and click the “Open cPanel” button;
  2. The cPanel will be opened. Go to the “Domains” section and click the “Zone Editor” button;
  3. Click the “Manage” button next to the required domain, in the filter select “MX” and then click the button “Edit”;
  4. The following fields are available for editing:
    • Name — the domain for which you are setting up the MX record;
    • TTL — this integer value specifies the time to live (TTL). TTL indicates how long a particular record remains in memory, in seconds, before it refreshes;
    • Type — record type;
    • Priority — this integer value represents the priority order of the mail server, in relation to other MX entries;
    • Destination — enter the name of the mail server;
  5. Next, you need to change the “Priority” and “Destination” options(if necessary). The lower the “Priority” option’s value, the more significant the record is.;
  6. After completing the data entry, click the “Save Record” button.

If you need to set more than one MX record, click the arrow inside the blue “+Add Record” button and select “Add MX Record”. Also, you have to change the routing settings in “cPanel – Email – Email Routing”. Select the domain from the dropdown list and set the radio button to the “Remote Mail Exchanger” option.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open ISPmanager” button;
  2. You can change MX-record by going to the section “Dashboard – Domain names”;
  3. Select the domain and click the “Records” button in the toolbar;
  4. Then click the line with the MX type and click the “Edit” button;
  5. You can change the “Domain” and the “Priority” (if needed) options in this new window. The lower the “Priority” option’s value, the more significant the record is;
  6. Click the “Ok” button.

If you need to set more than one MX record, click the “Add” button. Specify your domain name in the “Name” field, select the “MX(mail server)” option in the “Type” list, fill the “Domain” and the “Priority” options, and click OK


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open Plesk” button;
  2. The Plesk panel will be opened. Go to the “Websites & Domains” section and click the button ”DNS settings”;
  3. Click the domain name which is next to the “MX” type;
  4. You can change the “Mail exchange server” and the “Priority” (if needed) options in this new window. The lower the “Priority” option’s value, the more significant the record is;
  5. After entering the data, you need to click the “Apply” button.

If you need to set more than one MX record, click the “Add Record” button. Select the “MX” option in the “Record type” list, fill the “Mail exchange server” with the destination host, specify the priority of the mail exchange server and click OK. The “Mail domain” field should be changed only if you want to set the MX record for a specific subdomain( for example). If you want to set the MX record for your domain only, you can leave the “Mail domain” field blank.

Linux VPS

If you have a VPS service, you can edit your domain’s MX records in the client area: “Services – DNS manager”. First of all, you have to create a zone for your domain by clicking the “Add new zone” button and specifying the IP address for it. Once the zone is created, you can edit it by clicking the “Edit” button in front of your domain name. You have to find the line with the MX record and change the “Domain” and the “Priority” (if needed) options in this new window and click OK. The lower the “Priority” option’s value, the more significant the record is.

If you need to set more than one MX record, click the “Add Record” button. Specify your domain name in the “Name” field, select the “MX” option from the “Type” list, fill the “Domain” and the “Priority” fields, and click OK

Domain zone management without hosting service

You can also add your domains to the DNS manager and edit their MX records if you do not have any hosting service with us(in this case the domain must be delegated to

What is TTL?

A TTL (Time to Live) is a setting in every DNS record that dictates how long the record will be cached by resolving nameservers, browsers, etc. The TTL is set in seconds, so 60 is one minute, 1800 is 30 minutes, etc..The lower the TTL, the more often a client will need to query the name servers for your host’s (record’s) IP address. If you plan on changing your IP, you should set your TTL to a low value a few hours before you make the change. This way you won’t have any downtime during the change. Once your IP is changed, you can always raise your TLL again.

What is Value?

Some e-mail providers use multiple mail servers to process your email. The “Value” column shows the relative priorities of those mail servers. Mail is delivered to the server with the highest priority first. A lower number has a higher priority: for example ‘1’ has a higher priority than ’10’. If a server isn’t available for some reason, the mail is delivered to the server with the next highest priority, and so on down the list. This improves the reliability of the system. There is always at least one server to handle your email.

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