Does Fozzy provide any backup solutions for hosting services?

Fozzy makes backups of your services and their rotation every day, but each service type has its own backup politics.

cPanel and DirectAdmin

Backups are made every day, 7 last daily copies are stored by default.

Additional backup

You can purchase storing of additional monthly backup for your service for an extra 2.7 € / 2.85 $ per month. It can be ordered from your client area in the “Services – Available Addons” section.

Storage of backups in case of removal of services

If an invoice for the service renewal is overdue, your service will be blocked and an extra backup will be created. This backup will be stored for 90 days. It means that you have 30 days after your service suspension because of the payment overdue to restore your service from this extra backup.

The regular backups are stored for 7 days after the service termination and then will be permanently deleted.

Please note: if you use a hosting service with cPanel or DirectAdmin with a trial period, the service will be deleted at the end of the trial period if the invoice for this service is not paid during the trial period. Nevertheless, the last backup of this service will be stored for another 90 days, so you can return to work on your website within this time.

How to get a backup

We can do as follows on the request in a ticket:

  • provide you with a list of available backups;
  • restore your entire service from a backup;
  • restore separate directory or database (you have to specify this in your request in the ticket);
  • upload the full backup archive to your service.

In your account on website:

In your account, you can check the availability of backups for the hosting service in the “Hosting – My hosting – Management – Backups” section and request the restoration of the hosting service from a backup of your choice:

  • request a full restoration of the service for a specific date;
  • upload the backup archive to the hosting services;
  • download the backup archive via FTP;
  • request a partial restore from a backup. Please note that you will have the opportunity to leave a comment, what exactly do you want us to restore.


Backups are made every day, 4 last full weekly and 4 daily incremental (only files changed after a full copy creation are saved) copies are stored by default.

It is possible to create one custom backup anytime. This backup is stored permanently until the next custom backup is created or imported, which will rewrite the previous one.

Backups are stored for 30 days after the service termination. The terminated service can be restored from a backup on the request in a ticket.

You can manage your backups yourself through your ISPmanager control panel directly at the “Tools – Backup Copies” section. Here you can do as follows:

  • download a backup to your PC;
  • create a custom backup at any time by clicking the “New” button (the custom backup will be saved to the server backup storage and downloaded to your PC);
  • restore your entire service from the custom backup which was downloaded to your PC by uploading it through the “Import” menu (this backup will also be saved to the server backup storage);
  • set the backup creation and its upload to a third-party FTP server or cloud storage;
  • restore specified elements from the selected backup (database, mail, or files – you can choose an item by double-clicking a backup).


Backups are made every day, 16 last copies are stored by default, 3 of which are the full copies and all of the others are incremental ones (only files changed after a full copy creation are saved).

It is possible to create several custom backups at any time. These backups are stored in the server backup storage with the rest of the system backups of your service and are rotated by the general rules.

It is important to remember that the backup rotation process leaves only the 3 most recent full copies. All previous full copies are deleted along with their incremental versions.

The system backups are stored for 3 weeks after your service termination and then will be permanently deleted. The terminated service can be restored on the request in a ticket.

You can manage your backups yourself through your Plesk control panel directly at the “Websites and domains – Backup Manager” section. Here you can do as follows:

  • create custom backup anytime;
  • upload your backup from your local PC to the server backup storage;
  • delete the selected backups (the deletion of a full backup will also delete its incremental copies);
  • set the schedule of backing up your service: time, cycle, and type of data which is backed up (3 weekly copies are stored by default, but you can change this option to “3 monthly” or “3 yearly”; the number of incremental copies is not limited);
  • download a backup to your local PC;
  • make the full or partial restoration of your service from the selected backup, by clicking the backup name (more information about the restoration from a backup is in Plesk official documentation).

Reseller hosting

Backups are made every day for each sub-account, 6 last weekly and 2 daily copies are stored.

If an invoice for the Reseller service renewal is overdue, your service will be blocked and an extra backup of each sub-account will be created. This extra backup is stored for 90 days. It means that you have 30 days after your service termination because of the payment overdue to restore your service from this extra backup.

The regular backups are stored for 4 weeks after your service termination and then will be permanently deleted.

We can do as follows on the request in a ticket:

  • provide you with a list of available backups;
  • restore your sub-account from a backup;
  • upload the full backup archive to your sub-account home directory.
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