How to configure mail forwarding

Forwarders allow you to direct incoming mail to a different address.

Let’s say you want emails sent to your website’s corporate mailboxes and to be redirected to your personal account You can create two forwarders that will let you do this.

How to configure a forwarder?


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open Direct Admin” button;
  2. The Direct Admin panel will be opened. Go to the “E-mail Manager” section and click the “Forwarders” button;
  3. Choose a domain for whose mailboxes you want to create a forwarder for in the top menu bar;
  4. Click the “Create E-mail Forwarder” button;
  5. A new window where you can specify the following information will be opened:
    • Forwarder Name – your mailbox login name must be typed in in one word, like a manager. As a result, your new mail will be forwarded from the mailbox (the part matches the domain selected in the top menu bar);
    • Destination E-mail – a mailbox your email will be forwarded to;
      • You can add as many mailboxes to this forwarder rule as you need by clicking the “+” button in front of the first mailbox in each section;
  6. Once all the information is specified, click the “Create” button. Done.

If you want to delete some forwarders, hit the checkbox near the needed forwarder and click the “Delete” button.

If you want to edit some forwarder, click the pencil button in front of the needed forwarder. Please note that you can only change the destination email when editing.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open cPanel” button;
  2. The cPanel will be opened. Go to the “Email” section and click the “Forwarders” button;
  3. If you have multiple domains in your account, select the domain for the Forwarder from the drop-down menu and click the button “Add Forwarder”;
  4. Enter the Address of the email which you want to forward;
  5. Select Forward to Email Address and fill the textbox with an existing email, where you want your emails to be received;
  6. After completing the data entry, click the “Add Forwarder” button.

You can forward all the emails of your domain to another domain. On the domain, that will receive the emails, you can change the default email address of that domain to a single email, which then can receive all the emails sent from your domain to which you forwarded the emails. Click on the “Add Domain Forwarder” button, which can be found under the “Create an Email Forwarder” on the Forwarders interface.

You can delete an e-mail forwarder when you no longer need it. However, you can not modify an existing e-mail forwarder. If you need to modify an e-mail forwarder, delete it and create a new one. To delete an email forwarder, click the “Delete” button corresponding to the forwarder you want to delete.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open ISPmanager” button;
  2. You can add an alias by going to the section “Mail – Mailboxes”;
  3. Select the mailbox where you want to set up a forwarding and click the button “Edit”;
  4. In the window that opens, in the form “Send a copy to”, enter the mailboxes to which you want to forward mail. You can add unlimited e-mail addresses, space-separated;
  5. If you do not want to save received e-mail messages in this mailbox you need to active checkbox “Don’t save incoming e-mails”;
  6. Click the “Ok” button.


  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My Services” section and click the “Open Plesk” button;
  2. The Plesk panel will be opened. Go to the “Mail” section and click on the required mailbox;
  3. Go to the “Forwarding” tab and select the “Switch on mail forwarding” checkbox;
  4. Specify one or several email addresses to which the email must be forwarded. When specifying email addresses, separate them with white spaces, commas, and semicolons, or type each of them on a new line;
  5. After entering the data, you need to click the “Apply” button.
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