FAQ about orders

How to become your customer?

You only have to register an account, and choose a plan and a billing cycle. You will get access to your hosting to your email immediately. It is not necessary to pay for web hosting immediately, you will have 7 days for that. So you can start to work with your website right after you order a service.

Do you need my ID?

No, we don’t. Your name and email are enough to order our services. But if you plan to register a domain in a European country’s TLD (e.g. .eu, .de, .es, etc.), you have to specify your full address and personal data

How to order a new service if I already have an account?

You can order a new service as usual in the order form. Just log in to the client area instead of filling in your contacts again. You can also order a new service from your customer area by clicking “Services – Order New Services”.

How long does it take to provide hosting and a domain name?

  • Web hosting is created in seconds, you will get access to it via email right after making an order.
  • The creation process of Linux VPS can take up to 10 minutes. It starts right after you make a payment.
  • The creation process of Managed Linux VPS  can take up to 4 hours.
  • The creation process of Windows VPS and Forex VPS  can take up to 40-60 minutes (depending on the plan).
  • We send a request for a domain name registration immediately after payment. It usually takes less than 30 minutes for a domain name to be registered. But it will be fully functional only in 8-48 hours after because of DNS propagation.

Individual plans

If you need a special plan with your unique limits, just let us know. We will consider your request and let you know if it is possible to provide it.

Plan/Domain change

If you want to change your hosting plan, just go to your client area– Services – My Services – Manage – Change plan. After you select a new plan and payment period, our system will automatically recalculate your previous payment and issue a new invoice to change the plan. This procedure is free, you only have to pay the difference between a new plan and an old plan. If you need to change the main domain for your hosting service, just create a ticket.

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