FAQ about customer account area

Where can I find my ordered services?

You can find your ordered services in the client area: “Services – My Services” and “Domains – My Domains“.

Where can I change the client area password?

You can change your password in the client area: “Profile – Change Password”.

Where can I change my contact information?

You can change your contact information in the client area: “Profile – Edit Account Details”.

Where can I change the password for the control panel?

You can change your cPanel password in the client area. Just go to “Services – My services – Manage” and click “Change password”.

How can I create a ticket for support?

You can create a ticket for our support team in the client area. Just click the “Open Ticket” link.

How to pay for all my invoices at once?

In order to pay all your invoices at once, you have to log in to your client area and click “Billing – My Invoices”. Tick the checkbox on top of the page to highlight all invoices (or mark a few invoices), then click “Pay”. A joint invoice will be created. Choose a payment method at the bottom of the page at “Select payment method:” section and click “Pay”.

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