How to issue (activate) an SSL certificate

After you pay for an SSL certificate, you have to activate it and install it in your control panel.

  1. In your customer area go to the «Services – My services» section and click «Manage» in front of your certificate service.
  2. In the next section, choose «Activate SSL» and wait until CSR is generated. The CSR is generated automatically based on your profile data.
  3. Verify domain ownership by choosing one of the methods that is more convenient for you: adding a CNAME record to the domain’s DNS settings, uploading a special TXT file to your website, or sending a confirmation email. Sending an email is the most common way to verify your domain. You can send it to:
    • domain administrator (owner) email
    • A domain-based mailbox from the list of suggested usernames: admin, administrator, webmaster, postmaster, or hostmaster (the selected mailbox must be created in advance so that it is already working and can receive the email).

    You will receive a confirmation email within 15-30 minutes. This email contains your personal code and certification center website link. Copy the code, follow the link, paste the code into the form and click «Activate».
    A regular or WildCard certificate will be issued within 10-15 minutes after the domain is verified. Issuing an EV certificate may take up to 1 month.

  4. Once the certificate is issued, download it on the certificate service page. For security reasons, we don’t send certificates by email.
  5. Install the downloaded certificate according to the instruction for your control panel: cPanelDirectAdminISPmanagerPlesk.

If you have any difficulties or need help issuing or installing a certificate, please contact us. We will help you anytime.

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