How to add, edit or delete blocks with content

How to add a content block or app

On your left toolbar, click the “Add Content” button, and a new window will appear. Content blocks are separated into categories you can choose from.

You can navigate to the “Apps” category if you want to add a module/app like a Photo Gallery or Shop.

How to remove a content block

If you want to remove a content block, move your mouse over it and the toolbar will appear in the left-upper corner. There’s a REMOVE button near the “settings” button, click it.

A confirmation screen will appear to highlight the content block you are going to remove. Confirm, and the content block will be removed.

How to edit a content block

Each editable element of the content block will highlight when you move your mouse over it. Just click any of these elements to start editing.

Additionally, you can edit HTML code (recommended for advanced users only) if you need more control over any content block: move your mouse over the content block you want to edit and a toolbar will appear in the left-upper corner. There’s a SETTINGS button, click there to open Content Block’s settings.

A new window will appear and on the left side, there’s the HTML button, click It to open the HTML editor.

You can also remove some elements from your content blocks: when editing text, there’s an “arrow right” button that shows more options. The Delete button is there also. To edit images, move the mouse over the editable image and it’ll highlight – click it and a new toolbox window will appear. In the lower part, there’s the Save button on the right and a red Delete button on the left.

How to change the content block’s margins on top and bottom?

By default, content blocks have 100px space above and below. You can change it easily in Content Block’s settings. Move your mouse over the content block you want to edit and the toolbar will appear in the left-upper corner. There’s a SETTINGS button, click it to open the Content Block’s settings.

A new window will appear and on the left side, scroll down to the “Default Block Spacing” switch and click it to set your own settings.

How to move content block higher or lower

Your page contents are separated into “blocks”. You can add more blocks and rearrange them. Move your mouse over the content block and on the left-upper side control area will appear.

There are 2 buttons (edit and delete) and a drag symbol with small squares. Click it and start dragging the content block upper or lower. Release your mouse button when the content block is correctly located.

How can I increase/reduce the size of the content inside a block?

When you’re in the content block settings window, there’s a “Boxed in Container” switch. You can use it to keep your content size reduced (boxed in a container) or increase to use the full width of your website.

How to divide a content block into two columns?

There’s no such a feature when editing block content, but you can add a new content block that is already separated into columns.

In Left Toolbar > CONTENT > Columns category choose a content block you need, there are different proportions to choose from available. When your “columns” content block is created, you can add more content blocks to each column.

How can I create a space between two content blocks?

To create horizontal space between content blocks, go to the Left Toolbar > CONTENTS > Headers and find a separator there. A new content block with a separator will be added. You can edit the separator’s settings like color or height.

How to remove the content block or module block from my subpage?

Move your mouse over a module (or content block) you want to remove. On the left side of that block, 2 buttons will appear. One will open the content block’s configuration and the button with the trash icon is the removing button.

Click it to remove a selected content block. If there was a module (like shop, form, or gallery) on the block you have removed, this module will still be in the system. You only have removed a content block that was displaying it in that place on a page.

If you removed a block by mistake, you can use the UNDO feature or find and add it again in the Left Toolbar > CONTENT > Apps section.

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