How to make an online store with a Website Builder using a Shop module

How many products can be added to my store app?

There is no limit on the number of added products. Shop module is using SQLite to store data and physically it should be able to handle thousands of items.

However, this is just an addon to the website builder and for shops with thousands of products, it may be a better idea to set up shop-dedicated software instead. For example, our e-Commerce product.

How to add a Shop App to my website

On your left toolbar, click the “Add Content” button, a new window will appear. Then go to the “Apps” category if you want to add Shop.

How to edit Shop’s Homepage

When you add the Shop module to your website, it’s set to display all products on a single page. It’s possible to choose a different shop’s homepage layout, including a sidebar with categories.

  1. Open Shop’s settings. In the left toolbar choose APPS and find Shopping Cart on the list.
  2. Go to the Shop Homepage section. On the shop’s menu, click the Configuration button and then Shop Homepage.
  3. Choose a new layout from available options and save changes. When changes are saved, you can close Shop settings and refresh your website to see changes.

How to add products

  1. From your left toolbar choose APPS and find the Shopping Cart module.
  2. Go to the Products section. A new window will appear with Shop’s Dashboard. You can see the Products section on the left side. To add a new product you can click the Add a new product button.
  3. In the product’s settings, you can set the product’s name, description, and price.
  4. Save changes. When changes are saved, your new product is available immediately. You can close the Shop window and refresh your page if you want to see the latest changes.

How to delete a product from my shop?

  1. Open the page with your products. Make sure you’re logged in and go to the Product you want to remove.
  2. Open module settings. When you move your mouse over a content block, it’ll always show a menu on the left upper side. If it’s a module like Shop, it’ll also show module settings.
  3. Open settings and choose Edit this product option. A new window with product settings will be opened. It’s where you can update the product’s description, photos, or price.
  4. Next to the Save Changes button in the footer, there’s the red Delete button with the Trash icon. Click it and confirm.
  5. The product is removed immediately. You may close the Shop settings window and make sure you refresh your page if you want to see your changes.

How to edit existing products

  1. Open the page with your products. Make sure you’re logged in and go to the Product you want to remove.
  2. Open module settings. When you move your mouse over a content block, it’ll always show a menu on the left upper side. If it’s a module like Shop, it’ll also show module settings.
  3. Open settings and choose Edit this product option. A new window with product settings will be opened. It’s where you can update the product’s description, photos, or price.
  4. Saved changes are available immediately, you may close the Shop settings window and make sure you refresh your page if you want to see your changes.

Delivery Methods

When you’re on a page with your products, move your mouse over a content block with your goods and click the Configuration button. Then go to Settings > Configuration > Delivery Methods. Here you can add or update delivery methods for your shopping cart.

Add a specific category to an individual page

In most cases, you simply add Shop App to a single subpage on your website: homepage or subpage called “Shop”. But sometimes you don’t want to show the shop’s homepage, but some specific category products instead.

Use the Add New Content feature and choose Text from there. When a new content block is added, move your mouse over it and click the Block Settings button on right. Then click the HTML tab.

Remove all HTML contents from textbox and enter {%shopCategory_1%} instead, with this code you’ll display category with ID number #1, if you want to add category with ID #2 you add {%shopCategory_2%}, etc. Save changes and as result, this content block should show all products from the specified category.

What payment methods are available?

Currently, there’s built-in support for:

Setup PayPal

Log in to your PayPal > Account Settings > Notifications. Find the “Instant payment notifications” section and make sure it’s ENABLED

Go to your Shop settings (Left Toolbar > APPS > Shop), navigate to Configuration > Payment methods, and open PayPal settings. Enter your PayPal email address. Make sure the “Active” switch is enabled and save changes.

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