How to upload files to ASP.NET hosting

If you need to upload a large number of files to the hosting (the entire site for example), it is better to archive all the files before uploading. The fewer files loading, the fewer read/write operations are performed. Consequently, less time is required to upload the entire content. Also, uploading the archive will minimize the possibility that this process will be aborted due to a network error. It is much safer and faster to upload one archive to the hosting and unarchive it after this.

  1. Go to your client area to the “Services – My services” section and click the “Login to PleskExtended”;
  2. The Plesk panel will be opened. Go to the “Websites & Domains” section;
  3. Click the folder name in front of “Website at” under the needed domain;
  4. The File Manager will be opened. Click the “Upload” button on the top menu bar;
  5. Find your archive using your system’s explorer, select it, and click the “Open” button;
  6. Wait till uploading is finished;
  7. Click the uploaded archive. You will be suggested to extract it;
  8. Click OK and wait till the extraction is finished. Done.
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