How to make a Photo Gallery using a Website Builder

Is there a way to display a single gallery separately on each page?

Yes, the Gallery module comes with options. When you’re adding a gallery from the Left Toolbar > CONTENT > Apps > Gallery

Gallery window will appear, where you can choose to add a list of all galleries, choose only an individual gallery from the list, or add a new gallery.

How to create a photo gallery

Each new website comes with a sample gallery already created, you can use it or create more galleries easily.

Start with Left Menu > CONTENT > Apps > Photo Gallery. A new window will open, where you can add a gallery to a subpage you’re currently viewing. You can click the button to add it or click the “Add new gallery” link in the lower part.

On another page, you’ll be asked to enter your gallery name, give it any name, like “Summer 1990” and continue to upload photos from your computer to your new gallery.

Below the list of your new photos, there’s a grey “Add it to this page” button. You can click it to add this new gallery to the current subpage.

How to change photos order

When your gallery is created, each new photo you upload from your computer is added to the end of the photos list, you can easily change this order.

Open your gallery settings from Left Menu > APPS > Photo Gallery. A new window will open, where you can choose which gallery you want to edit if you have more than 1 gallery. Continue with the gallery you want to edit now.

Move a mouse over the gallery item (a photo) you want to move, you’ll notice the “6 dots” icon on the left side is highlighted: press your mouse button there and start dragging, drop it in a new location. Changes will be saved automatically, you can close the Gallery settings window and refresh your page to see changes.

You can use the same method to remove photos from your gallery, just click a button with the trash icon instead of dragging the “6 dots” bar.

Additionally, you can add a description to any of your photosю Below each image you’ll notice the “Image Description” field, start typing your description there and press the green “check” button to save changes.

Is there a way to get a slider on a page instead of images only?

Yes, you can add a static Gallery module or a dynamic Slider, where photos will slide from right to left side: Left Menu > CONTENT > Apps > Slider

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