How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS

  1. Make sure your VPS is powered on.
  2. Install the Remote Desktop Mobile app.
  3. Open the application. It will ask you for Bluetooth and local network permissions — do not allow that.
    How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOSHow to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
  4. Add your VPS details into the app:
    1. Tap the plus sign in the upper right corner and select “Add PC”.
      How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOSHow to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
    2. Type your VPS IP address into the “PC Name” field, then return to the previous screen by tapping “<“.
      How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOSHow to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
    3. Tap “User Account” → “Add User Account”. Enter your VPS credentials and tap “Save”. Go back again by tapping “<“.
      How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOSHow to connect to a Windows VPS from iOSHow to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
    4. Tap “Save” one last time.
      How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
  5. On the app’s main screen, tap the saved PC card – the app begins connecting to the VPS.
    How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
  6. That’s it — you’re connected!
    How to connect to a Windows VPS from iOS
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