How to change the main domain on a web hosting service

Used control panels

For web hosting, we use 4 control panels:

  • cPanel
  • DirectAdmin
  • ISPmanager
  • Plesk

In each web hosting control panel, the main domain for the service changes differently.

Changing the main domain in cPanel and Plesk

These two control panels are combined in one category, since for them changing the main domain is possible only through contacting the hosting technical support.

In the technical support request, please indicate the service for which you want to change the main domain, and the new domain you want to change to.

Changing the main domain in DirectAdmin

  1. To change the main domain, log in to the DirectAdmin control panel
  2. Then go to Account Management — Domain Settings
  3. Click the Rename domain button, select the required domain from the Old domain drop-down list, specify the new domain in the New domain field, and click Save
  4. This completes the main domain change.

Please note that the domain in the name of the service in your personal account can be changed upon request in support using a ticket.

Changing the main domain of ISPmanager

The main difference between the ISPmanager control panel is the inability to change the main domain; to change the main domain, you must delete the current domain and add a new one:

    1. Login to ISPmanager control panel
    2. Go to the section WWW — WWW domains
    3. Select the domain and click on the Change button and remember what parameters the domain has: PHP version, whether an SSL certificate is used (free or not), whether caching is configured, whether there are additional aliases
    4. Then click the Cancel button at the bottom of the page
    5. Now you are back on the WWW-domains page, select the required domain and click the Delete button
    6. Clear the Delete directory checkbox and click the Ok button
    7. Then add a new domain by clicking the Create button and specify a new domain, then select the necessary settings and click the OK button
    8. The final step is to move the files from the old directory to the new one:
      1. Go to Main – File Manager
      2. Next, go to the www directory and then enter the old domain directory
      3. Mark all files and folders and click the Copy button
      4. Select the folder of the new domain in the www directory, check the Transfer files box and click the OK button to complete the transfer of files

Please note that the domain in the name of the service and in the personal account can be changed upon request in support using a ticket.


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