How to withdraw commission through Solar Staff

Solar Staff it’s a popular service specifically designed to pay for different kinds of web services including referring new customers within Affiliate programs. Prior to December 2020, we used another service named from the same company.

How to withdraw your funds from Solar Staff

In order to register with Solar Staff, you need to request an invitation letter from our support team. This invitation letter will be sent to the same email address that you used to register in our system.

The link in the letter will ask you to register and set the necessary options (choose the currency EUR/USD, upload the necessary documents, set the method of withdrawal, etc.). You need to confirm your email and phone number.

  1. After requesting an affiliate commission withdrawal, we will create a client referral task in Solar Staff with a payment corresponding to the amount of your current withdrawal minus the commission (see below).
  2. You will need to accept (step 1) and mark the task as completed (step 2). Once these steps are completed, please let us know.
  3. We will make the payment. This will add the amount you want to your Solar Staff balance, which you can withdraw in any way you like.

Solar Staff fees

Solar Staff charges 3.5% for a transaction. We will deduct this amount from your commission. A minimal amount to withdraw and extra commission for small amounts can be found on Solar Staff help pages.

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