How to ping and traceroute a server or a website

What is Ping?

Ping – is a program to check the connection and latency. It sends requests to mentioned IP and shows you the latency of answers in milliseconds (ms).

How to ping a website

You can launch ping from the command line:

  1. Start — Run — type in «cmd» and click OK.
  2. In opened window type in:
  • ping— execution command
  • — a name of the website you want to check.

You can copy the result with your mouse and paste it to any text editing app, or send it to us via email or ticket.

What is Traceroute

Traceroute — is a program to show you the route of data. In Microsoft Windows, this program is called tracert. In GNU/Linux, Cisco IOS, and Mac OS — traceroute.

The program sends data to a certain IP/Host and shows you information about all servers/routers in its way. If there is a problem with any route it will be easy to see where it is.

How to make a traceroute

You can launch ping from the command line:

  1. Start — Run — type in «cmd» and click OK.
  2. In opened window type in:
  • tracert — execution command
  • — a name of the website you want to check.

You can copy the result with your mouse and paste it to any text editing app, or send it to us via email or ticket.

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