How to add, edit or delete images, video and music

How to change an image

Just find an image on your page you want to replace and move your mouse over it. It should be highlighted, click on it to open image settings.

The Image Settings menu will appear on the left side, and it’s where you can customize this image, add a custom title and alt tag, open it in Image Editor or choose to replace it with another image from your files library.

How to open an image for editing

Image Editor is available in the Image Settings menu. Here you can rotate, crop, mirror, resize and adjust color settings for your image

How to make a link from an image

At the “Image Settings” menu, you can make a link from your image. Just activate the “This is link” feature by clicking the switch next to it. Then type or paste the needed URL address and save changes – your image is a link now.

If you enter a link to a YouTube video, it’ll open this video in a nice-looking lightbox.

How to add an image

To add an image, add a new content block that contains an image, on the left toolbar click the ADD button and the new menu will appear. Content blocks are separated into categories here. If you want the image to fill 100% of the screen, go to the Objects category and find the image there.

In most of the other categories, content blocks contain an image in many interesting layouts (image on the side of the content, above features list, etc)

Once the image is added, you can also make it a clickable link: click on your image, and the options menu will appear on the left side, where you can apply filters or make it point to another page.

You may also want to add images as a Photo Gallery module, on the left toolbar click to ADD button, there open Apps category and Photo Gallery will be on the list of available modules

How to add a Video

Please try to add new content, on the Left Toolbar click:

CONTENT > Apps > Video

You’ll be able to copy/paste your YouTube video address and the video will appear on your website.

Why YouTube? You can upload your videos there and just embed them on your page (or pages), you don’t have to worry about the technical side of your video (like file format), as YouTube will convert it to web format automatically and make sure the video will look great.

By default, your YouTube video will be full-width, you may want to add a column content block and drag it to one of the columns.

One more option is to use any of the images on your page and make it a link, using your YouTube video as a URL: it’ll automatically create a nice looking “play” icon on it, which when clicked, will open a video on a lightbox.

How to add a music file

You can add audio files to your website. Use Left Toolbar > CONTENT > APPS > Audio Player, it will ask you to provide your audio file and add it to subpage content with a sample description and image – you can easily change or remove them.

You can customize <audio> tag manually if needed, adding loop or autoplay features: open content block settings and go to HTML mode, find audio tag, it may look like <audio class=”kopageAudio w-100″ controls=””>, and add autoplay phrase there, so it’s like <audio class=”kopageAudio w-100″ autoplay controls=””>

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