How to change your email ID?

If you want to change your email ID to login into your account, or if you want to give your account to another person, you can do so with the following instruction:
1. Log in to your account.
2. Then go to the Profile section – User Management and click on the link Edit profile.
3. You can change your email in the section Change Email Address, field Email Address. After writing a new email ID and clicking to button Save, you will see the following message:
The account email will be changed after confirmation in a letter to your previous email account.
4. To your previous email account will be sent a letter with the subject “Do you want to change your login email?“, please open it.
5. For confirmation of changing email ID, please click the button Confirm. After that, you will be redirected to the login page in your personal account Now you can log in with a new email ID.

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