How to migrate a website to Fozzy web hosting?

Here are the main steps: make a backup of your website, make a dump of your database, copy the backup to our hosting, create and import the database, edit configuration files, check everything with service domain name *, and change DNS servers for your domains to,

Here are the details:

  1. Ask your current hosting provider to make a backup of your website content, or do it yourself through the control panel. If you have a database, make a dump of it at PhpMyAdmin or in the shell using mysqldump program.
  2. Download the backup and dump to your computer.
  3. Upload backup and dump to our hosting. In order to download the backup, you may use file manager or FTP \ SSH. If the backup file size is more than 1 GB, we recommend uploading it using FTP \ SSH. It will allow you to avoid losing data in case of disconnection.
  4. If you have a database, create it at cPanel, create a user, and add a user to the database.
  5. Make an import of the database dump into your database. You may use the following instructions.
  6. Change your website configuration files because now you have a new database name and username. Usually, it is stored at configuration.php (wp-config.php for WordPress. Details).
  7. Check access to files, it should be 644, and on folders 755. Check here if you don’t know how to do that.
  8. Check your website at, where is your domain name.
  9. Change your DNS servers according to your control panel. List of our DNS.
  10. Wait for DNS information update for 8-48 hours.
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