How to order hosting and register a domain name

Here is a step-by-step description of how to order domain and hosting services. There is a video instruction on how to order at the bottom of the page.

How to order a hosting service

  1. Open the site
  2. Click the “Order now” button
  3. The registration form will be opened. First of all, choose the currency. You cannot change the currency later
  4. Type your first name, email, and password
  5. Hit the checkboxes to accept terms and conditions and click the “Register” button
  6. The order form will appear. Click the “Web Hosting” option
  7.  Choose a plan that suits you from the drop-down list. Plans differ from each other in the number of domains, databases, and amount of disk space. If you are not sure where to start, we recommend the “Fast Site” plan
  8. If you need a CMS, choose it from the next drop-down list. It will be automatically installed on your service
  9. Choose the payment period. If you choose one year, you will get a 10% discount and one .xyz domain registration as a gift
  10. If you want to order additional options for your hosting service (more domains, databases, or disk space), click the “Advanced settings” button
  11. Apply a test period if needed. Then click “Next”

How to register a domain name

  1. The domain selection section will be opened. Here you can type your own domain, order a domain transfer, or order a domain registration if you don’t have one
  2. In order to register a domain name come up with its name and type it in the top field
  3. Choose a TLD for your domain from the suggested list or use the search bar. You can sort this list
  4. Choose a needed TLD and click the “Add to cart” button
  5. If you don’t want the other people to be able to view the domain owner’s personal data (your personal data), enable the “Whois Privacy” option. Click the “Next” button;
  6. The order confirmation section will be opened. Check your order and choose a convenient payment method. Click the “Next” button and wait until the order is created
  7. Done.

Once the creation of the order is completed, you will be taken to your client area. You can find the hosting service you’ve ordered in the “Services – My Services” section. Your hosting service will be activated automatically after ordering, even if you have not paid. You can find the domain name you’ve ordered in the “Domains – My Domains” section. The domain name can be activated only after payment. You can pay your invoice in the “Billing – My Invoices” section.

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