Remote connection to a MySQL database

Virtual hosting with cPanel, ISPmanager, or DirectAdmin control panel

Remote access to the MySQL database on shared hosting services is closed for security reasons.

We may grant access to the database for a specific IP.
Please note that this access cannot be granted for all IPs.

To enable access for a certain IP, create a ticket from your client’s area. In the ticket specify:

      • The IP address to be accessed.
      • The connection type you need to open. There are two options:
        – Outbound connections – if your database must connect to a specific IP.
        – Incoming connections – if the connection must be made from a specific IP to your database.
      • Connection port: standard (3306) or not. If not, specify the port number to open.

The ports from 32768 to 60999 (TCP+UDP) are opened by default for all users. Therefore there is no need to open them additionally.

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